Colorado Department of Agriculture’s Industrial Hemp Program / Application

Colorado Department of Agriculture

CDA’s Industrial Hemp Program Application

The Colorado Department of Agriculture’s Industrial Hemp Program regulates only the cultivation of industrial hemp.  The Department also administers a certified seed program. The Industrial Hemp Program does not have jurisdiction over the processing, sale or distribution of industrial hemp. Before you can start growing hemp in Colorado, you must first turn in an application to the Colorado Department of Agriculture.


Apply To Become a Hemp Farmer In Colorado

For copies of the application and complete instructions, visit the section on hemp farming on the Colorado Department of Agriculture’s site, which can be found here!


Colorado Hemp Growing Application Information

  • Applications that are incomplete and inaccurate will be returned for completion.
  • It can take up to 30 days to grant a registration after all information required has been completely and accurately submitted. Missing or inaccurate information may delay issuance past 30 days.
  • GPS Coordinates and a map of the Registered Land Area must be included with ALL applications. (Rules 2.1.5 & 2.1.6). There are no exceptions to this rule. Incomplete maps, and inaccurate GPS Coordinates that do not land within drawn boundary lines are the most common reason for delays.
  • The CDA Industrial Hemp Staff cannot complete or fill in any portion of the form based on information from other communications or be copied by the CDA from another part of the application. All fields must be filled out by the applicant themselves. Any pages and any fields left blank will be returned for completion and will need to be initialed by the applicant. Please be sure all requested information is filled in.
  • Think carefully about the Registered Name (this will be the name printed on the registration) and be sure about the boundary lines of the land area you map out on your application. This will be your registered land area. Neither can be changed once the registration is issued.
  • All Registrations are valid for 365 days from the date of issuance (registrations do not automatically renew). (Rule 2.10). If you do not plan to use your registration up until the expiration date it is recommended you contact the CDA to request an amendment to close it early. A registration will remain active until they have expired or have been closed via a completed, signed official CDA form.
  • Registrations that are active are subject to inspection, sampling, and all associated fees. They cannot close a registration through verbal requests. Once you are selected for inspection, they cannot close the registration until the inspection has been completed, all fees have been paid, and an amendment to close has been received.
  • Registrations cannot be assigned or transferred to another business, individual or other entity. (Rule 2.3)
  • No Land Area may be included in more than one registration at the same time (Rule 2.15). If this land area is already registered, that registration will need to be closed prior to this application being processed, or this registration will be invalid.
  • Think carefully about who is listed as an Authorized Person: Under no circumstances will the CDA communicate in regards to this registration with an individual who is not listed as an Authorized Person. If you want to add or remove an Authorized Person, you must complete a Change of Contact form (available on the CDA Industrial Hemp webpage). Until this form is completed Authorized Persons may continue to receive communications from the CDA regarding this registration.
  • A Registrant must have the legal right to cultivate Industrial Hemp on the Registered Land Area AND the legal authority to grant the Department access for inspection and sampling (Rule 2.1.8).
  • A Registrant may lease the Registered Land Area but the Registrant must be able to comply with Rule 2.1.8.
  • Registrations DO NOT RENEW. You will need to re-apply with a new application each year. It is recommended that you send in your application AT LEAST 30 days prior to your expiration date to avoid a lapse in active registration.
  • Review the Frequently AskedQuestions about the Industrial Hemp Program prior to submitting the Application.
  • KEEP A COPY OF YOUR APPLICATION FOR YOUR RECORDS! You may incur charges for copy requests made at a later date for any documentssubmitted to the CDA.