Kind Hemp Co’s CBD Now Available In Cantera’s Cocktails

Kind Hemp Company CBD In Cantera's Cocktails

Add CBD To Cantera’s Drinks

Want to add a little CBD oil to your cocktails? Now you can at Cantera in Durango, Colorado! Cantera has partnered with Kind Hemp Co (also based out of Durango) to provide CBD in their cocktails all summer long! The launch of the CBD drinks is today (July, 15th, 2019). Now, anyone at Cantera’s can request the CBD oils be added to any drinks, from water to their selection of cocktails.


Creating A Local Dialogue About Hemp

Outside of offering CBD to Durango’s drinking at Cantera, Kind Hemp Co is also providing the opportunity to start a dialogue about hemp ad CBD. Kind Hemp Co stated that they hope this can help educate and bring the broader acceptance of the hemp industry in our local community!